Instagram Inactive Username Policy & Why You Can't Get Your Dream Username

Does Instagram have a policy where an inactive username gets deleted after a certain period of time?
Date Published
September 14, 2023

So - what does Instagram do with inactive and dormant usernames? Is there a policy where Instagram deletes/wipes off profiles that have been inactive for a given period of time? Let's take a deep dive into it!

Why Instagram Doesn't Delete Inactive Profiles

Alright - first things first, Instagram does not delete inactive profiles. They do not. And, rightfully so.

Instagram has over a billion monthly active users.

Now, let's assume that Instagram has 100 million inactive/dormant profiles. These are profiles that haven't logged in for over 2 years.

Alright - now, should Instagram delete all 100 million accounts? But, why? 

What if just 1% of these 100 million profiles decide to login sometime in the future? That's 1 million users that could come back at a future time.

Theoretically (and I know we'd be pushing it), all of those 100 million users could return back at some point in the future.

How to Get Inactive Usernames

So - let's talk about what we can do about this epidemic. The epidemic wherein all the good, brandable and short usernames are taken on Instagram.

And more often than not, these are taken up by profiles that are completely inactive.

So, what can we do about it? Well - that's where Handle Harmony comes in. We specialize in getting brands and individuals their dream usernames.

Our agency specializes in helping people like you, get brandable, matching and consistent usernames by claiming inactive handles.

But Wait, Why Would Instagram Wipe Out a Given Profile Just So I Can Have It? 

Well, that's a GREAT question. Why would Instagram delete a profile just so that you can have that username. I mean, theoritically, that person could still return back to Instagram, can't they? 


And that's why username change services do not involve deleting the desired profile.

Let's take an example.

Let's say that you currently have @green_planet and you want @greenplanet which is completely dormant and hasn't posted in years.

Now, you work with Handle Harmony, and within days your current username is updated from @green_planet to @greenplanet.

However, that doesn't mean that the original account, it's posts, data, likes and details are deleted. No sir.

Here's what the Instagram internal team does when doing a username change -

They'd updated your username from @green_planet to @greenplanet while at the same time they'd update the original @greenplanet to something like @greenplanet1.

If the original owner of @greenplanet logs back in, in the future, they'd still have their posts, likes, DMs, and all the good stuff ... with the difference that their username is now @greenplanet1.

And yes - they won't be able to login with @greenplanet. They'd have to login with email and password, and find out that their username has been updated.

And now - you know. :)

Meet the Author
Handle Harmony Blog Author - Daisy Mendoza
Daisy Mendoza
Daisy Mendoza is the queen of Instagram storytelling, turning mere posts into visual feasts for millions worldwide. With a decade of blog wizardry up her sleeve, she's your go-to guru for crafting narratives that not only resonate but delight and inspire.
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